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Hawthorn Entertainment Ltd
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01656 662835
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News This page will feature legislation that affects us all in the entertainment business Artist news, Television news, Showcase news and more will be covered in our sister site Hawthorn News ENTERTAINMENT BOOKERS AND AGENTS Entertainment Licensing Amendments to the current Act came into force of 6th April 2015. Click here for details Beware regarding use of the name Motown There is currently an issue about any unlicensed use of the name Motown. Theatre producers, agents and acts alike are receiving letters from the Universal Music Group’s legal department giving them 14 days to stop using the name in any form whatsoever, including the name of an Act, Show, Production or description, and to remove all references of the name from all and every type of documentation, advertising and media.Universal Music Group is the largest music company in the world and they mean business. As a Past President of The Agents Association (Great Britain) Ltd with vast experience in this field said ‘this is not just ‘Cease and Desist’ it is ‘Stop Now’. Click on this link to an article in The Stage & Television Today Legislation We received this guidance on the employment agencies act from a trade organisation a few years ago. It answers many of the questions that bookers may ask regarding Employment Agencies legislation. Feel free to download this pdf guide Child Performer Licensing laws These are due to be overhauled in an attempt to achieve parity between the regions. Click here for details Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate: Rogue Agents There are many new agents setting up with no regard for the law. The Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate, who monitor these agents, has published their mission enforcement policy statement. Click here for details DTI Regulations URGENT TO ALL AGENTS / HIRERS / VENUES / CLIENTS New regulations came into force on Tuesday 6th April 2004 It is imperative that you are aware to the changes to the legislation which will affect all AGENTS / HIRERS / VENUES & CLIENTS. All agents MUST ensure that they have a copy of the Statutory instrument 2003 No. 3319 The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Business Regulations 2003
The Regulations can be viewed on this link Produced in conjunction with the Recruitment & Employment Confederation and Equity, this guidance (159Kb) provides information on The Conduct of Employment Agencies and Employment Businesses Regulations 2003 All venues and clients are advised to ensure that agents that they deal with comply with the regulations to protect them from possible legal action against them. Agents that comply are usually those who have taken the trouble to join trade associations such as The Agents Association (Great Britain Ltd of which Neville Williams FEAA is a fellow member). These organisations regularly advise the government department responsible for policing this regulation of agents in each area that they believe are breaking the law. When the new regulations were introduced, they had advised the inspectors of at least 65 agencies in Wales alone who were committing offences, the number is now well into the hundreds! Penalties for agents or persons trading as agents that do not comply with this legislation Up to £5000 fine per incident and up to 10 years ban from running an agency. The advice Agency Standards to agents is: Comply or shut immediately!! ADVICE AND NEWS FOR VENUES AND ARTISTS PAT testing is not a legal requirement, just a wise precaution Click on this link Guidance on electrical safety for entertainers Download file Equity and their relationships with agents Have a look at Equity’s article about its relationship with agents. We are Fellow members (Neville Williams FEAA) of The Agents Association (Great Britain) Ltd. Social Media – think before you post! Following a spate of recent offensive comments on social networking sites regarding venues, clients, agents and entertainers, we have been asked what recourse do the targets of these posts have. In answer to Can I be sued? Make your own mind up by clicking on this link. Wedding and Event Venues have been warned that large deposits and hefty cancellation charges may breach consumer law. Details from The Competition and Markets Authority. Intellectual Property Office: warn of ‘renewal reminders’ from a private company calling itself ‘Intellectual Property Office’. Avoid at all costs – this company has been reported to the police.
Artist Registration If you are an artist wishing to submit information, you can submit your details to us using our registration form. Are You a NEW Act? Register here (Click) Already Registered? update your availability here (Click) YOUR AVAILABILITY Acts - Update Your Diary here